About 2020-01-17T14:05:17+00:00


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The importance of correct product data in the healthcare industry

The importance of correct product data in the healthcare industry

COVID-19 has had an enormous impact in the medical care industry in 2020. Many hospitals had to contend with a shortage of space and medical devices. Purchasing managers were under pressure:...
PIM Expert's How To: Excel Import

PIM Expert's How To: Excel Import

Who is better qualified to tell us all about SRC-PIM and its functionalities, other than our very own PIM consultants? In this blog series, our experts Bastiaan, Emiel, Max, and Patrick tell...
PIM Expert's How To: Excel Export

PIM Expert's How To: Excel Export

Who is in a better position to tell us all about PIM functionalities, other than our very own PIM experts? In this blog series, our consultants Bastiaan, Emiel, Max, and Patrick tell you all...
PIM Expert's How To: Mass Update

PIM Expert's How To: Mass Update

As is the case with every piece of software you use: you’ll only enjoy it as much as to the extent you actually understand the functionalities it offers. That’s exactly why we are starting t...
PIM en patiëntgegevens: hoe zit dat?

PIM en patiëntgegevens: hoe zit dat?

Ziekenhuizen, zorginstellingen en fabrikanten moeten nu al voldoen aan de LIR en MDR wetgeving. In de komende jaren geldt dat ook voorde IVDR wetgeving én de publicatieverplichting naar EUDA...
PIM Expert's How To: Validation Report

PIM Expert's How To: Validation Report

As is the case with every piece of software you use: you’ll only enjoy it as much as to the extent you actually understand the functionalities it offers. That’s exactly why we are starting t...
De processen: hoe uw organisatie MDR & LIR-proof in te richten

De processen: hoe uw organisatie MDR & LIR-proof in te richten

In onze vorige blog “Wat betekent MDR & LIR wetgeving voor u als ziekenhuis, zorginstelling of fabrikant?” legden we al uit welke informatie u als ziekenhuis of fabrikant zult moeten ver...
Het belang van juiste artikeldata in de zorg

Het belang van juiste artikeldata in de zorg

Het nieuwe coronavirus heeft de afgelopen maanden enorme impact gehad in Nederland. Veel ziekenhuizen kampten met tekort aan ruimte én medische hulpmiddelen. Inkopers stonden onder druk: voo...
8 steps to successfully implementing PIM in your business

8 steps to successfully implementing PIM in your business

Implementing a Product Information Management system in your organization is tough. You’ve done your research on the subject or you’re doing it right now and you’ve learned the importance of...