About Merijn.De.Jager 2020-01-17T14:05:17+00:00
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Pieter Verhoyen | 6-10-2020 | 2 min
Hospitals, healthcare institutions, and manufacturers already have to comply with LIR and MDR legislation. In the coming years, this will also apply to the IVDR legislation and the publicati...

Pieter Verhoyen | 1-10-2020 | 2 min
In our previous blog "What do MDR & LIR legislation mean for you as a hospital, healthcare institution or manufacturer?" we already explained which information you as a hospital or manuf...

Pieter Verhoyen | 1-10-2020 | 2 min
The main differences between MDR and LIR

Pieter Verhoyen | 1-10-2020 | 2 min
COVID-19 has had an enormous impact in the medical care industry in 2020. Many hospitals had to contend with a shortage of space and medical devices. Purchasing managers were under pressure:...

Pieter Verhoyen | 22-7-2020 | 2 min
Ziekenhuizen, zorginstellingen en fabrikanten moeten nu al voldoen aan de LIR en MDR wetgeving. In de komende jaren geldt dat ook voorde IVDR wetgeving én de publicatieverplichting naar EUDA...

Pieter Verhoyen | 14-7-2020 | 2 min
In onze vorige blog “Wat betekent MDR & LIR wetgeving voor u als ziekenhuis, zorginstelling of fabrikant?” legden we al uit welke informatie u als ziekenhuis of fabrikant zult moeten ver...

Pieter Verhoyen | 3-7-2020 | 2 min
Het nieuwe coronavirus heeft de afgelopen maanden enorme impact gehad in Nederland. Veel ziekenhuizen kampten met tekort aan ruimte én medische hulpmiddelen. Inkopers stonden onder druk: voo...

Pieter Verhoyen | 3-7-2020 | 2 min
Wat is het verschil tussen MDR en LIR?

Pieter Verhoyen | 8-1-2020 | 4 min
Global Health Supply Chain Program–Procurement and Supply Management The United States Agency for International Development (short: USAID)’s Global Health Supply Chain Program (GHSC-PSM) is ...

Pieter Verhoyen | 26-11-2019 | 2 min
How is new legislation affecting hospitals?

Pieter Verhoyen | 14-6-2019 | 2 min
As of May 26th 2020 the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) will be implemented, followed by the In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR) on May 26th 2022.