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Pieter Verhoyen | 23-7-2019 | 2 min
With a PIM-system, you can process, enrich and publish your product data. But how do you get the most out of your PIM-system?

Pieter Verhoyen | 16-7-2019 | 2 min
Most organisations use a PIM-system to publish data to relevant channels and business partners. When working with data standards such as ETIM, GS1 or PS in foodservice, the data in a PIM-sys...

Pieter Verhoyen | 9-7-2019 | 2 min
When you are you working with GDSN (GS1) or other market standards (e.g. PS in foodservice, ETIM) or planning to do so, you should look into the possibilities of dataflow.

Pieter Verhoyen | 14-6-2019 | 2 min
As of May 26th 2020 the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) will be implemented, followed by the In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR) on May 26th 2022.

Pieter Verhoyen | 11-6-2019 | 3 min
What Triggers your Workflows in SRC-PIM, or what causes them to actually run?

Pieter Verhoyen | 14-5-2019 | 3 min
Nowadays, consumers will visit different channels to gather information about products before making a purchase decision. A simple description is not enough – images, videos, product sheets,...

Pieter Verhoyen | 10-5-2019 | 2 min
From the 10th of August, GS1 will make the use of product images mandatory. Publishing product information to the GS1 datapools is only possible when you attach images to your products.

Bart Teuling | 25-4-2019 | 2 min
From 2020 it will be mandatory to provide data according to PEPPOL when you send invoices to European governments.

Pieter Verhoyen | 17-4-2019 | 3 min
When you have chosen a PIM-system that best suits your organization, the next step is to implement and integrate it into your organization. To do this successfully, you will need to pay atte...

Pieter Verhoyen | 12-4-2019 | 4 min
In the Netherlands, GS1 is the most used standard for processing product data. Although the use of GS1 is not obligated, large retailers often refuse to receive product data from suppliers w...

Pieter Verhoyen | 10-4-2019 | 3 min
Many organizations exchange data according to the GS1 data standard. To efficiently process and publish product data to GS1, more and more organizations use a PIM-system.

Pieter Verhoyen | 8-4-2019 | 2 min
Organizations who aim to manage and publish their product data efficiently, usually make use of a PIM-system. With a PIM-system, you have complete control over your product data, and you are...